
Welcome on AfterLif3's forum! :)

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#1 2012-09-15 10:14:23


Matka Dyrektorka

Registered: 2012-09-15
Posts: 6

Guild statute

1. We respect each other.
2. We are one team - let's help each other.
3. In case of conflict we report to GM or VICE.
4. Rule of sharing drop will be discussed in a separate topic.
5. Let's be lenient with weaker players - everyone was one of the weaker.
6. Use the guild depo with common sense - it is the common good.
7. We handle diplomatic affairs with GM with the assistance of VICE.
8. Older members of the guild have more to say on the new members, because they know longer the team.
9. Don't KS and don't PK ludzi z zaprzyjaźnionych innych gildii.
10. Breaking any of these rules will be dealt by the GM and will pay the piper.
11. Eventual desire to leave the guild report to the GM or VICE.
12. All members have to use TS.
13. As a guildmember you should visit this forum minimum once a week.



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