
Welcome on AfterLif3's forum! :)

#1 2012-09-15 10:12:12


Matka Dyrektorka

Registered: 2012-09-15
Posts: 6

Forum statute

Everyone who register to the forum must adhere to the following principles:

1. Nick on the forum must be the same as the nickname on game. 
2. Date of birth must be entered in accordance with the truth despite this field in the registration form is not required.
3. Accounts which aren't in use for 14 days will be blocked. To unlock your account, please send an email to the admin.
4. Accounts which aren't in use for more than one month will be removed.

Points 3 and 4 doesn't concern persons who explain the reason for his absence. This should be done only on a forum GUILD -> Absences.

Users who sign up with a different nickname than in the game are asked to mail to the Administrator. In the email please give forum nickname and nickname in the game. Administrator, after receiving such mail change the nickname to the nick from the game. After sending an e-mail user will be able to log in only with nick the game.



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